ORGANIQUE Mastermix Weave - STRAIGHT 12"
Create multiple styles with our quality hair, Organique Straight 12"!
Available Colors:
1, 1B, 2, 4, 27, 30
130, 530, 613
OT27, OT30, OT530
(In order of color options)
Key Features:
Create sexy,voluminous and camera ready styles that will leave you turning heads.
Effortless, bouncy, beautiful hair at an affordable price.
Feel the density and natural thickness of premium quality hair.
Simple secret to getting maximum volume and thickness.
Beauty in the purest form create your own beautiful hair story.
Organique is made of the finest grade-A fiber formulated to mimic the look and feel of human hair.
This hair product has been created by master mixing some of the most recently invented fibers.
These fibers feature smooth and tangle-free traits, as well as enhanced resilient curl holding advantages.